Charlotte Hall Self Storage - Mt. Wolf Annex
Originally Published: July 5, 2023
On Monday, July 10th, the Planning Commission will consider Charlotte Hall Self Storage Mount Wolf Annex for concept site plan approval. The proposed development is for a two building storage unit complex on 2.81 acres located behind Tractor Supply in Charlotte Hall. The owners, JLH Properties of Virginia and BKJ Investments/John Parlett, own the other parcels on the corner of Route 5/Mount Wolf Rd. where Wawa, Tractor Supply, Cedar Point Federal Credit Union, and Advance Auto Parts are located. Three adjacent, vacant parcels, are also owned by the same group.
The Self Storage is proposed in two phases. Phase 1 includes access roads, parking, and the larger building at 24,000 square feet. Phase 2 covers additional parking and a second, 10,724 square foot building. The first building will house 147 storage units and a small office. Fourteen parking spaces are proposed for the site, but the Planning Commission will need to make a determination if this is adequate.
The project was applied for under Use 66 - Personal Storage. Parking requirements for this use require only a space for the employees of the business (1-2 spaces) because access to the storage units should be drive-up (outdoor units).
However, the applicant has requested the Director of LUGM to “equate the probable number of parking spaces based on similar use types” to provide tenant parking, according to a letter from the applicant’s surveyor. The applicant says Use 80 - Warehousing and Storage would be appropriate as this Use requires 1 space for each 2 employees and 1 space per 1K square feet of building. That would require a total of 35 spaces for both Phase 1 and 2 of the project. The applicant owns other storage facilities and estimated what is needed based on experience, so they are asking the Director of LUGM to okay just 14 parking spaces, 7 per phase.
Changing the Use type from 66 to 80 would also remove requirements/limitations enforced by the zoning ordinance. Use 80 only requires site plan approval. But Use 66 also requires perimeter fencing/berms/buffers around the facility; lighting directed down and away from adjacent properties; forbids on-site retail sales; and includes limitations for on-site “activities” to be “enclosed within a building no larger than 25K square feet” in the Commercial Mixed Use zone.
The applicant argues 14 parking spaces are adequate and would “reduce the footprint and impervious surfaces on site” versus the full amount of parking (35 spaces) required by Use 80. It’s clear looking at the site plan there is no room for more than 14 spaces if the Phase 2 building is constructed. Otherwise, that area would be the remaining parking spaces.
Most concerning is the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance doesn’t provide for an indoor personal storage facility. Otherwise, the applicant would not need to justify switching use types and an exemption from the requirements of that use.
You can attend the Planning Commission’s meeting on Monday, July 10th at 6:30PM at the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown. You may also submit written comments by emailing
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