Charlotte Hall Sheetz Public Forum

Originally Published: January 4, 2024

Planning Commission to Review on Jan 8th

The Planning Commission will consider a proposed Sheetz in Charlotte Hall at their meeting on January 8th. A 6,139SF building on 3.42 acres, Sheetz is proposed for Charlotte Hall Commons, near the VA Clinic. The gas station will have 16 pumps, a 24/7 drive through, and will generate an additional 1,953 trips in the area according to planning documents.

A total of 47 parking spaces, with two handicap accessible, are requested, 22 spaces over the required 25 per the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. A letter from J Hopson LLC, a construction management company, states “Sheetz encourages their customers who are visiting for fuel only to pull forward, park and shop inside their stores.” Documents also show the business will be served by public water, but a private septic because sewer service is not expected in the area for a few years.

No direct entrances to Sheetz are available from northbound Route 5. Instead, drivers will turn on John Knight Drive and enter on the north side; turn on Byron Davis Way and enter/exit from the south side, or enter/exit along Charlotte Hall Commons Way.

Traffic studies conducted indicate the intersections of Golden Beach Rd/MD 5 and John Knight Drive/MD 5 will operate at unacceptable levels of service (LOS) unless the developer mitigates their impacts. The developer proposes to modify the intersection of Golden Beach Rd from the eastbound approach, changing the lanes to a shared left/thru and right only. These plans have been accepted by SHA. Additionally, the developer will install a partial signal at John Knight Dr/MD 5 which will allow southbound MD 5 traffic to flow unimpeded, but will signalize northbound traffic to allow access to the development.

It was noted in the traffic study, from October 2022, that two residences on southbound MD 5 would be affected by this signal. Residents could only turn right in or out of their driveway, and not go across the intersection and proceed northbound. These properties have access to Charlotte Hall Road in the rear, and that SHA would need to accept the proposed T intersection. Otherwise, the developer will install a full, four way signalized light. The signal will be installed prior to the completion of Sheetz, if approved.

The traffic study also noted unacceptable LOS at the MD5/MD6 intersection to the south, which currently operates at a “D” LOS but would be downgraded to an “F” with Sheetz being built. The CZO requires any developer to mitigate the impacts of the development, but does not compel a developer to completely fix an intersection. The developer has proposed changes which would restripe the intersection’s median lanes to two through lanes, but SHA was reluctant to do so because of safety concerns over the Three Notch Trail. The MD5/MD6 intersection is a troublesome issue, and will need to be addressed more fully as development in Charlotte Hall continues.

If all proposed traffic adjustments/improvements are made, the traffic study projects the intersections of MD5/John Knight Drive, and MD5/Golden Beach Road to operated at a “C” LOS, but MD5/MD6 will be no better than a “D” with traffic impacts mitigated.

The Planning Commission’s meeting is Monday, January 8th at 6:30PM. Need a reminder? Click here:

Any residents living in, around, or passing through Charlotte Hall, or with thoughts about this proposal should provide their comments in person (best) or via email (


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