Commissioner’s Public Forum
Originally Published: January 26, 2024
Your Chance To Offer Comments
The first County Commissioner public forum for 2024 is coming up on January 30th, at 6:30PM. Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Commissioners. Most times, people take this opportunity to address topics of concern, offer appreciation, or ask questions about government decisions. Public forums are different from town halls in that the Commissioners, usually, do not offer their own comments but instead just listen.
I encourage everyone to show up at this public forum. If you aren’t sure about speaking, just come sit in the audience. If the spirit moves you, step up to the microphone. Or, take note of what people say and, if you have thoughts, send the Commissioners an email at –the comment period remains open for 7 days.
We’ve had conversations on this page about various things happening in St. Mary’s County. Here are some suggested topics for the public forum:
-What actions of the Commissioners are you thankful for? Support for the YMCA, the Library Book Mobile, Ostrow for hosting Town Halls, etc.
-Hiring a consultant to update the Comprehensive Plan–will the public be involved in this process beyond the two required public forums? Will the Commissioners push for creation of plans for each Town Center?
-Will the Commissioners call for an update of the Adequate Public Facilities zoning regulation, host public forums for feedback, thus accomplishing their bi-annual responsibility of reviewing this?
-Education funding shortfalls, how do the Commissioners plan to address to ensure our kids continue to receive quality education, career and technology training, and are supported by meeting their needs.