DPWT Lists Priority Road Improvements
Originally Published: April 6, 2023
Director Jim Gotsch, from the Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPWT) submitted a letter last week outlining the priorities for the County’s transportation infrastructure improvements. Here are the highlights:
-Thomas Johnson Bridge not listed as the top priority. It’s been listed as top priority for the past 20 years & has seen no movement from the State, funding zeroed out for future years.
-Route 5/Great Mills Rd improvements are undergoing right-of-way acquisition & moving of utilities, with the hope that construction will begin in FY26. End result is planned to be a paved four lane road, a new bridge over the St. Mary’s River, all with bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
-Extending the right lane on MD 4 from Patuxent Boulevard to So. Patuxent Beach Rd to alleviate congestion at the Route 4/235 intersection.
-Feasibility study for widening Route 5 from the intersection with MD 4 south to Moll Dyer Rd. Request is for a four lane road with bike/pedestrian paths. Mention of the busy intersection of MD 5 & Medley’s Neck Rd during AM/PM peak times when school traffic is higher.
-Request for paving 235 from Mechanicsville to Charlotte Hall & Medley’s Neck from Whirlwind to Chingville Rd.
-Funding request for design & construction of improvements to MD 249 at Sheaffer Lane to shore up the road from flooding & cutting off St. George’s Island.
-Asks SHA to perform a targeted improvement of MD 243, Newtown Neck Rd, at the bridge near Port of Leonardtown Winery & Park entrance where flooding often occurs
-Install of paved shoulders or, at a minimum, pull-off shoulder areas along MD 236, Thompson’s Corner Rd, to improve safety.
-Extension of Three Notch Trail to connect from Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad to Wildewood, from Hollywood to Baggett Park, with intention of connecting to Indian Head Trail in Charles Co. Further support for construction of sidewalks from NAS PAX Museum to Gate 2 & MD 246.
-Asks SHA to consider shoulder improvements in several areas to help with overall County plan to improve bicycle accessibility.
-Sidewalk from MD 4/235 intersection to Wildewood Parkway; Overpass for Three Notch Trail crossing MD Route 6; sidewalk connections along Route 245, Hollywood Rd, to connect Leonardtown to Three Notch Trail
-Planning for a signaled full movement intersection at MD 235 & FDR Blvd to reduce strain on MD 4/235 intersection; review of roundabout where MD 245 & Old Three Notch Rd meet; overpass to allow north and southbound traffic to continue to flow through the MD 5 & MD 6 intersection in Charlotte Hall near 84 Lumber; alterations to intersection of MD 235 & MD 5 in Ridge for better alignment
-Support for installing several STS bus stop signs, pads, and shelters, with the first location along Great Mills Rd; additional locations along MD 235 from Hermanville Rd to Hollywood Rd; moving the Tulagi Place transfer stop because building a more accommodating facility isn’t possible due to the AICUZ.
What are your thoughts on these projects? Is there anything missing you’d like to see addressed?
Read the full letter to SHA: https://go.boarddocs.com/.../114%20Transportation...