Oak Crest Expansion

Originally Published: March 21, 2024

Royal Farms, Chipotle Moving Forward

Have you noticed the land grading happening across from Wildewood, near Aldi? It’s preparation for development of the Oak Crest PUD, previously approved by the Planning Commission in 2019. A Royal Farms convenience store/gas station and car wash will go on the corner, with Chipotle in the middle, and an as yet unnamed restaurant rounding out the road frontage.

The State Highway Administration has approved a new right-in/right-out entrance off northbound 235, and two entrances from Oak Crest Road will also feed the new businesses. The Department of Land Use and Growth Management released permits for Royal Farms in January 2024.

The site behind these locations was once planned for a large retail presence, but that fell through. Instead, later plans show the potential development of three flex space buildings similar to those past RC Theaters. This site was annexed into the Oak Crest PUD, and later given a site specific approval extension requested by the owner because development has not yet commenced.


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