Speed Cameras Delayed
Originally Published: December 4, 2023
More Data Requested Before Approval
After a lengthy discussion, the Commissioners voted to delay approval of an ordinance authorizing the installation of speed cameras in school zones. Assistant County Attorney John Houser said all public comments received were supportive of the speed cameras, except for one email against the ordinance. Several questions posed by Commissioners Ostrow and Hewitt sparked a larger conversation about the vendor selection and camera installation processes.
As Captain Moses of the Sheriff’s Office explained, if the ordinance were enacted the Sheriff’s Office would begin exploring vendors that could operate a speed camera program. The selected vendor would perform speed studies throughout the county to determine if any school zones have enough of a speeding problem to prove economic viability of operating cameras. Hewitt asked if the County would be responsible for paying the costs of a speed study conducted by a vendor. Moses said payment would only be made when cameras are in place. But when Commissioner Ostrow asked about having two vendors conduct speed studies for comparison, Captain Moses said no vendor will do a speed study unless a contract for cameras is in place first.
If a vendor has control over the speed study and decisions about camera placement based on their identified economically viable locations, the County would not have a say in where cameras are located. At that point, the County may be on the hook for installation costs even if there is a cheaper vendor. Commissioner Colvin believed a problem clearly exists based on public feedback, but Commissioners Hewitt, Ostrow, and Alderson agreed to task County DPWT with conducting a study to provide firm data to make a more informed decision. DPWT is to provide a report in January 2024 detailing how the speed study can be conducted in all school zones, as quickly as possible. DPWT Director Gotsch speculated it may take until the end of the next school year, in May 2025, to complete speed studies in all school zones throughout the county.