2023 Legislative Session Update
Originally Published: January 19, 2023
The Maryland General Assembly was sworn in on January 11th. Here’s an update on the progress of the St. Mary’s County Delegation:
Senator Jack Bailey has submitted 9 bills.
Delegate Matt Morgan has submitted 0 bills.
Delegate Todd Morgan has submitted 0 bills.
Delegate Brian Crosby has submitted 5 bills.
Members are able to submit their own bills, of which they will be the Primary Sponsor. Members can also join in sponsoring bills from others, in which case they will be named as a Co-Sponsor. This is done to show support for the bill.
Members of the legislature can pre-file bills as early as November, post election. There are a few key dates to be aware of on the legislative calendar:
January 20th - Senate and House Bill request guarantee date. Anything submitted after this is at risk of not being completed by the drafting office before the introduction deadlines.
February 6th - Senate Bill Introduction Date
February 10th - House Bill Introduction Date
Any bills introduced in the Senate or House on these respective dates are referred to the Rules Committee, and are at risk of not making it a committee assignment or floor debate. In other words, it isn’t likely to pass because of being entered so late.
March 20th - Bill Crossover Day. Any bills that have passed the Senate will crossover to the House, and vice versa. Bills must pass both the Senate and the House before they are forwarded to the Governor for a signature.
April 10th - Adjournment
Currently, there are 186 bills filed in the House and 167 in the Senate.
If you have legislative ideas, you can reach out below:
Senator Jack Bailey: jack.bailey@senate.state.md.us
Delegate Matt Morgan: matt.morgan@house.state.md.us
Delegate Todd Morgan: todd.morgan@house.state.md.us
Delegate Brian Crosby: brian.crosby@house.state.md.us