Budget Public Forum

Originally Published: April 22, 2024

What To Expect

Tomorrow night is the budget public forum, where St. Mary’s Countians will have their chance to weigh in on a total of six topics:

-Local Income Tax Increase: comments specifically about the proposed Income Tax increase from 3.0% to 3.2%. Due to the increase, the County is projected to receive an additional $9.7M in revenue, of which $7M, will be allocated to the budget for St. Mary’s County Public Schools. Budget documents note that because the rate increase would begin January 1, 2025, “only half of the proposed increase in revenue will be realized in FY2025.”

-St. Mary’s County Fees and Charges: comments specifically about the fees/charges increasing, which include Dept. of Aging & Human Services fee increase from $15 to $20 for on-site building attendant at Garvey and Northern Senior Activity Centers; Dept. of Public Works & Transportation Solid Waste & Recycling Fund $95/ton for Excessive Loads, $50/ton for Green Excessive Loads, and $190/ton for excess of 5 tires; Dept. of Recreation & Parks Easter Festival Egg Hunt Fee increase from $5 to $7, Golf Tournament per team fee increase from $340 to $375, Summerstock admission fees increase by $1, New Horizon Day Camp decrease by $100, Camp Inspire increase by $60, Spray Park admission increase by $1/resident and $2/non-resident, season passes increase by $5/resident and $10/non-resident, family season pass increase by $10/resident and $15/non-resident; Waterfront Park Admission increase by $1/resident and $5/non-resident, season pass for one park increase by $10/resident and non-resident, Great Mills Pool lane rental increase by $4/resident or $5/non-resident, Team Swim Meet increase by $95/resident and new fee of $407/non-resident; Recreation Centers rental increases by $5-$10; Leonard Hall Rec Center sports (soccer, field hockey, lacrosse) have increases between $5-$125 depending on type of registration (single player, teams, youth, adult, etc)

-Leonardtown VFD Fire Tax rate to .056: comments specifically about this fire tax.

-Mechanicsville VFD Fire Tax rate to .056: comments specifically about this fire tax.

-Ridge VFD Fire Tax rate to .056: comments specifically about this fire tax.

The fire taxes are charged only to those living within the specific fire district. Each VFD is requesting the increase to cover rising costs for equipment and gear, and planning for a new firehouse in Leonardtown.

-FY2025 Recommended Budget: general comments about the overall budget.

You may sign up for any or all of the topics, and there will be separate sign up sheets for each. The meeting begins at 6:30PM at Great Mills High School in the auditorium. The forum will begin with introductions, remarks from Commissioner President Guy, a presentation with budget highlights, and then move into the public comment portion.

EASMC, Education Association of St. Mary's County is encouraging people to wear RED in support of education and, if you do so, you can take advantage of free food from the food trucks in attendance! If you belong to a certain school community and would like to advocate with them, see the below graphic listing a speaker representing each school.

Show up early to sign up, network with others, and grab some grub. Forum starts at 6:30.

Review budget documents ahead of tomorrow’s forum at this link: https://go.boarddocs.com/md/stmarysco/Board.nsf/goto?open...


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