Charlotte Hall Starbucks Approved

Originally Published: December 3, 2024

Monthly Update Provided

Starbucks will join Chick-fil-a and Aldi in the development known as Charlotte Hall Crossing on the former grounds of the farmer’s market after receiving approval from the Planning Commission (PC) on November 25th. The coffee chain was originally approved for a site next to Royal Farms on the old Wentworth’s property further north, on Route 5 south. Minor changes to the shop’s design resulted in a smaller footprint at the new location, with room for 15 vehicles in the drive-thru lane.

Jackie Chandler, of Traffic Concepts, talked through multiple entry/exit points for the shopping center highlighting for the PC significant traffic improvements at the developer’s expense. These include signalization of the Route 5/Traveled Lane intersection, restriping Golden Beach Road to provide a dedicated right turn lane, and internal access roads and traffic mitigation measures. Traffic improvements near the original location at Oaks Road were already in progress, a condition of the approval of Starbucks and Royal Farms. At the new site, Chandler noted, Starbucks has less of a traffic impact than retail space, the prior approved site use. Commission members voted unanimously in approving the concept site plan.

The monthly Director’s Report was included in documents online. A review of the Concept Plan Tracking Sheet shows updates for several projects:

1. O’Reilly’s Autoparts: Hollywood location major site plan approved in July 2024, Lexington Park location major site plan submitted in January 2024 and nearing approval.

2. Stewart’s Grant: Major site plan not yet submitted for this residential development on Great Mills Road.

3. Park Place Apartments: Board of Appeals overturned the PC’s denial in July 2024, major site plan submitted for approval in October.

4. Bean Center Expansion: PC approved earlier this year, major site plan submitted in October 2024.

5. Honda/Kia Dealership: PC approved earlier this year, Board of Appeals approved needed variances in November 2024.


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