Crosby Introduces HB1301

Originally Published: March 31, 2023

Delegate Brian Crosby introduced HB1301 in the House on Wednesday, a bill that creates reporting requirements for state-owned nursing homes run by contractors. Senator Jack Bailey plans to sponsor the bill in the Senate.

The bill will require contractors operating a state-owned nursing home to report any deficiencies found or enforcement actions taken by a monitoring agency to the Governor, the state agency overseeing the nursing home, and the Delegate(s) representing the district where the home is located. It will also require several Senate and House committees to be notified. The operating contractor must also provide a plan of correction to address the issues found and communication received from the monitoring agency.

Read HB1301:

This bill is a direct response to recent news of abuse and neglect at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, which caused Governor Wes Moore to cancel the contract with the operating agency. Delegate Crosby was quoted in an article from The Baltimore Banner “It seems like, from the report, that we just kind of sat on multiple violations and nobody did anything about it.”

Read the article here:

Because the bill is so late in session, it had to receive at least 94 votes in the House from those who supported allowing its introduction. HB1301 found bipartisan support, receiving 136 Yea votes and being referred to committee for review.


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