Follow Up: Villages at Clarks Mill
Originally Published: May 19, 2024
Planning Commission Revisits Development
Back in March, the Planning Commission initially reviewed the proposed concept site plan for Village at Clarks Mill, an 18 townhouse development across from Clarks Mill Road. Commission members questioned the design layout of the development, the lack of parking, sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping. Open space for community use was primarily under the SMECO utility right-of-way, and commission members noted the lack of play area for children. Chair Howard Thompson said this was the only chance the commission had to review the project and make suggestions. Once the concept plan is approved, the Planning Commission does not revisit the project because final approval is given by the Director Land Use and Growth Management. The meeting was continued so the developer, Rich Benefield of FDR Holdings LLC, could make updates.
Tomorrow, May 20th, the Planning Commission will review the project again. Several changes have been incorporated into the plans, including:
Addition of a 30x30 play/seating area, outside of the SMECO easement, connected to walking paths
Thicker vegetation buffer along property border with Mervell Dean Road
Addition of at least a dozen light posts throughout
Six parking spaces added along the widened road
The project needs two variances: one to reduce open space requirement from 50% to 20%, and a second to reduce the B-type buffer from 65’ to 32.5’ on the “northwestern and southeastern boundaries adjacent to single-family dwellings” according to planning documents. An updated staff report, dated 5/20/24, clearly outlines all objectives the project must satisfy to comply with the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. The project meets all requirements except for the two variances that are needed.
Nine emails were received opposing the project in March. The commission will hear comments during Monday’s meeting from anyone in attendance who wishes to speak. Comments can also be emailed to
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