Editorial: Family Values & Community Impact

Originally Published: May 29, 2024

I have learned many values from my family, including honesty, determination, hard work, kindness, and respect. These values are also reflected in the policies of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). For example, the Student Code of Conduct states: "It is expected that students will do their best to conduct themselves according to the rules of the school." Bullying, harassment, and intimidation are not aligned with these expectations.

We all play a role in promoting positive family values, especially parents. SMCPS policies acknowledge the relationship between student behavior and adult influence: "We ask parents/legal guardians to reinforce the need for children to conduct themselves in appropriate ways when at school." Children mimic the behavior of adults, who are responsible for setting a positive example. Unfortunately, many adults in our county have failed to do so recently.

I have been disappointed by St. Mary’s County lately. I see people who do not support family values and hear few voices condemning disrespectful and discriminatory comments. Instead, many engage in such behavior.

Being honest means acting ethically. If a Board of Education member supports candidates, political platforms, or ideas that are discriminatorily biased, does that violate their oath to act “without partiality or prejudice”? Such actions promote divisive culture war politics, which tear apart communities. This is the opposite of what SMCPS aims to achieve in its mission to support students, staff, schools, and community stakeholders.

Board members must uphold the United States and Maryland Constitutions, as well as state and federal laws. They take an oath to serve “to the best of [their] skill and judgment, diligently and faithfully, without partiality or prejudice.” Any Board member or candidate who engages in discriminatory activities should realize the far-reaching and destructive impacts of their actions. How do these errors in judgment affect decisions made in an official capacity?

Many have noted discipline problems in schools, with students being disruptive and causing issues. However, few address the behavior of adults in the community, which directly influences how children act. Young minds model behavior they see as acceptable based on the actions of the adults around them.

Promoting family values and ethical behavior is crucial, not only within families but also throughout the community. Adults must set positive examples for children to follow, ensuring a respectful and supportive environment for everyone.


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