Golden Beach Development
Originally Published: February 3, 2023
On February 13th, the Planning Commission will review a concept site plan for Golden Beach Development, which proposes a new shopping center where the Farmers Market is currently located. The 48 acre site includes a 20,599 sq ft supermarket (Aldi); 30,000 sq ft of new buildings for flea/market and fairgrounds use; 5,200 sq ft Chick-Fil-A; 2,675 sq ft of retail space; 2,437 sq ft restaurant pad site.
The traffic study notes major impacts, including the recommendation for a new traffic signal at the Route 5/Traveled Lane intersection. The Traveled Lane “Loop” is to be disconnected and redesigned to end in cul-de-sac (red circle in second photo).
The Zoning Ordinance requires intersections within a Town Center to operate at a service level of C or better. With this development, the Route 5/Golden Beach Rd intersection would operate at a D service level. Recommendations include remarking lanes on Golden Beach Rd to have one left turn lane, one shared through/left turn lane, and one dedicated right turn lane. SB Route 5 will add a second left turn lane into the new development, while Traveled Lane will have two left turn lanes and a right turn lane (pictured below). The traffic study finds an additional 3,350 trips generated by Chick-Fil-A and 2,160 trips by Aldi.
With the new signalized intersection, the 3 mile stretch between the County Line and Route 6 will have a total of 5 traffic lights. With Sheetz proposed on NB Route 5 by the VA Clinic, potential for a sixth light also exists. The new traffic light at Traveled Lane is needed to prevent overuse of the Golden Beach Rd intersection, which could deteriorate its service level to “E.”
There isn’t much planning for pedestrian traffic. As Charlotte Hall continues to develop shouldn’t pedestrian traffic (and the need for public transit stops) be included? There is ample opportunity to make a walkable Town Center, which could help alleviate traffic from people driving from one shopping center to the next.
What are your thoughts? Send comments to or attend the meeting on Monday, February 13th at 6:30PM in the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.