Follow Up: Image Clear Ultrasound

Originally Published: February 7, 2023

A few weeks ago I posted about an Image Clear Ultrasound (ICU) Mobile Unit that was spotted in the St. Mary’s Square parking lot. I did quite a bit of research about this organization, how it is funded, and its mission. You can find that post on January 16th. After I posted, an individual who works on the local ICU Mobile Unit reached out to me and extended an invitation to meet and learn more about what they do. I accepted, and tonight I met with the staff of the unit.

I stand by what I said in my original post, particularly about the misleading information on ICU’s website and the lack of transparent contact information for the company. I still believe that it is not right for religion to interfere with medical care, particularly from a care provider. If religion enters the conversation, it should be only because the patient has a specific belief that would prevent them from engaging in a certain type of medical care.

However, having met with two women who work on this unit daily I can attest that they are both from the local area. They informed me that their opening day was January 16th–the same day as my original post. A weird coincidence of timing if I’ve ever experienced one. This explains why a Maryland location was not listed at the time I looked–the website had not yet been updated.

Staff invited me on the mobile unit where I sat and talked with them for an hour. They then offered me a tour. During the conversation I sought to learn why they work on this unit, what community resources they direct patients to, and more. Both women told me they are seeking to fill the gap in healthcare that exists in our county. They appeared to genuinely have an interest in helping people. I was reassured that they are locals who understand our area.

Because this ICU mobile unit has been open less than a month, the staff admitted that they are not fully connected with all community resources to which they can refer people. They are looking for more connections in that regard. One staff member described to me that when they are in St. Mary’s Square she is able to point across the street to the St. Mary’s County Health Department Health Hub as a resource for the community. At the present time, the Health Hub does offer STD screening but does not offer reproductive services like pregnancy testing or ultrasounds–this is something that is desperately needed.

When asked how they identify areas in which to operate, staff informed me the corporate office supplies information suggesting where the greatest need exists. Unsurprisingly, this is most often in impoverished areas. People who lack insurance, are without a job, or otherwise cannot access medical care for some reason.

I confirmed that they do not refer people to an abortion provider. They have a list of resources to which they make referrals, but stated they do not promote one provider over another on that list. I also confirmed that they are partnered with CareNet, an organization with offices locally that is “abundantly pro-life” as their website describes. They are based in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who use their services.

During today’s meeting, I expressed my concern that an individual seeking help would be faced with religious beliefs and/or material when visiting the mobile unit. I don’t think it is right to approach someone with religious beliefs/teachings when they are in a clearly vulnerable and impressionable position. There were no visible religious items that I could see, but they did say there is a Bible on board.

The women I met with today are working with this organization because they care about our community. They want to connect people with resources. They have good intentions in working on this ICU Mobile Unit. Ultimately, I cannot confirm what happens when a young person visits their unit, or how that visit will go. I can only state what I learned during my visit.

I believe that these women are coming from a place of wanting to help. I am thankful for their openness in inviting me to sit down and talk with them. I am always interested in learning more, in exploring the human element. I have hope that they will help people in need. I won’t ever be comfortable with religion mixing with medical care. But we live in a complicated world, so that’s okay.


Image Clear Ultrasound


Golden Beach Development