Millison Plaza Public Hearing

Originally Published: November 13, 2023

Planning Commission to Review Redevelopment

Tonight, November 13, the Planning Commission will review the Millison Plaza redevelopment proposal from Atlantic Realty. The shopping center will be renamed Patuxent River Village Center. The overall project includes three major revisions. First, facade, parking, and greenery improvements. Second, demolition of the remaining portion of the hotel, Bank of America, and partial demolition of the office building at the corner of 235 and Shangri-La. Third, construction of a new building for Aldi, renovation of the remaining portion of the office building to incorporate retail space, and three restaurant spaces including a Starbucks. All together, a net reduction of 69K SF in floor space will be realized between demolitions and construction of new buildings.

As part of the approval process, the Planning Commission will consider whether to approve three variances for the project. First, a variance for buffers along 235 and Shangri-La Drive. Second, a landscaping variance to allow the developer to provide 17.8% of the required 20% in green space for the overall development. The developer proposes a total of 191,575 SF in green space out of a required 215,709 SF.

The third variance is to permit a restaurant in the Limited Commercial Industrial (LCI) and Accident Potential Zone 2 (APZ-2) zoning areas. The APZ-2 is part of the overall AICUZ around Pax NAS to protect from loss of life as a result of a crash. The LCI zoning area has specific recommendations for use, including a farmers market, recreation facility, animal hospital, convenience store, fuel sales, retail sales, funeral services, offices, and take-out food sales among other uses. It does not, however, permit a restaurant/fast food use. Atlantic Realty will need a variance in order for Stabucks to be constructed.

Nearby businesses along Tulagi Place were recently faced with redevelopment when the proposed Royal Farms was approved. Linda’s Cafe, one of several businesses/organizations to relocate, was made a non-conforming use when the land along Tulagi was rezoned as LCI some years ago. The Commissioners passed an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance in 2019, hoping to encourage redevelopment in Lexington Park by creating new land use zoning requirements that expanded the allowable types of development near the base. Linda’s became a nonconforming use, making it easier for replacement development to be approved, if it’s a conforming use. People congregate longer in restaurants, which could contribute to a higher loss of life in the event of a crash. By comparison, a convenience store/gas station has a more transitory clientele who linger for a shorter time.

It will be interesting to see how the Planning Commission chooses to address this. If they grant the variance for Starbucks to operate, that seems to go against the precedent set by the approval of Royal Farms, part of which hinged on the nonconforming use of a restaurant on the same property. What will happen to the Chinese food restaurant and Showtime Deli currently operating in Millison Plaza–will these be considered nonconforming uses and require a variance to stay in business? Does their nonconforming use make it easier for the landlord to remove their business if they choose?

Other outstanding questions include what type of commitment Atlantic Realty has to ensure current small business tenants will remain in place. Will their rent be raised due to renovation, pricing them out?

During Commissioner Ostrow’s recent town hall, Atlantic Realty was asked if they will build affordable housing during the redevelopment, as had been rumored. They said Phase 2 of the project, which will focus on the area around the AMC movie theater, may include some type of workforce housing. It would most likely be townhouses with garages. Plans are far from finalized, but the area could see significant changes if the movie theater doesn’t renew the current lease. Atlantic Realty said business is slow, and AMC isn’t motivated to renew.

Here are the details for the Planning Commission meeting and public forum:

November 13th, 6:30PM

41770 Baldridge St. Leonardtown, MD 20650

Email comments to:

Please attend and offer your thought/comments on this redevelopment for Millison Plaza.


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