New Sheriff’s Office Facilities

Evidence Storage, HQ Planned

In November 2024, the Leonardtown Planning & Zoning Board (PZB) approved the concept site plan for a two phase project to construct new facilities for the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office. Though owned by St. Mary’s County Government the project had to be approved by the Leonardtown PZB because it is within town limits. Phase 1 of the project is a nearly 21K square foot (SF) evidence storage building with parking and public infrastructure. Phase 2 is the pad site for the nearly 27K SF new headquarters facility. Both buildings are planned for a 10 acre piece of the government complex, adjacent to the current location for the Sheriff’s Office.

Evidence storage will have 26 parking spaces, including two handicap, as well as 133 impound spaces. Parking for the new headquarters, constructed in Phase 2, will include 22 public parking spaces (2 handicap) and 222 private spaces (8 handicap). Public parking for the HQ building is just off Leonard Hall Drive, across from the current Sheriff’s Office entrance. Larger parking areas, and evidence storage, are accessed either from a gate-secured road off Leonard Hall Drive or a gate-secured road between the Board of Elections and Maryland State Police.

Currently, the Sheriff’s HQ shares space with the County Treasurer, Land Use & Growth Management, and Recreation & Parks in the Patuxent Building. A space needs study was completed by the county government several years ago, showing the need for additional space across many different departments. The Sheriff’s Office moving to new facilities is the first domino that will affect all other county departments. As space is reallocated, departments will likely be shuffled as renovation or expansion plans are made for other government buildings. 

When the County Commissioners finalized the FY25 Budget in May 2024, it included nearly $29M for the Sheriff’s Office HQ. Just $242K came from Excise Taxes, with the other 99% funded through the sale of bonds to finance the project. A new evidence storage building costs roughly $6.8M, already approved to expense, with a total combined project cost of $41.4M. Additional operating impacts per year, for facility costs, utilities, and maintenance, will add $312K to the budget each year. Estimated completion for the whole project is FY27.

As the Commissioners consider the FY26, the Sheriff’s Office has submitted two new Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Security upgrades for the District 3 station in California include “ballistic-rated storefront windows, bollards, a vehicle barrier gate to protect the garage area, and blinds” according to the project's CIP document. Total project cost is listed at $811K, and funding is requested in FY31. The second project, a firearm range facility, is based on a feasibility study paid for by operating funds last year. The project description says the Sheriff’s Office “does not have a dedicated County-owned range” so they’ve been using facilities owned by other agencies “at their convenience and if their schedule allows.” The facility would have a 75-yard indoor and 200-yard outdoor ranges, and would be located at the Clements Convenience Center on Horseshoe Road. FY31 includes $3M for design of the range and a total project cost estimated at $44.8M. 


Annapolis Update


Update: Charlotte Hall Station