Non Profit Grants

Originally Published: November 19, 2024

Commissioners Update Process

The process for local nonprofits to receive grants from the St. Mary’s County Government (SMCG) changed on November 5th after the Commissioners approved updated recommendations from Deputy County Administrator (DCA) David Yingling. Last year, disagreements among the commissioners about what nonprofits receive funding, and how much, prompted questions about the overall process. It was also noted that some nonprofits find the rules confusing.

Previously, nonprofits submitted an online application for funding under one of three county departments–Aging & Human Services, Economic Development, or Recreation and Parks. Then, each department scores the submissions. Any applications receiving a score of 60 or more are forwarded to the County Administrator’s office for consideration. Typically, the Commissioners set aside around $1M each year for nonprofit grants. But that amount could end up being much less because it’s dependent on leftover funding once all other budget priorities have been satisfied. The County Administrator recommends an amount for each nonprofit to the Commissioners who then make a final decision.

A total of six recommendations were described in a memo prepared by DCA Yingling. Removing the “10% Rule,” whereby first time nonprofit applicants receive only 10% of their overall ask if approved, was the first suggestion. The rule could limit the scope of a nonprofit’s projected use of funding in some cases, and also would eliminate the ability of nonprofits to inflate their initial ask as a strategy to receive more first-time funding. A scoring rubric will be used across the departments to score each nonprofit application, and the department directors will meet with the County Administrator to “provide input” according to Yingling’s memo. Only one application will be accepted from each nonprofit and if funding is awarded the group must submit a report identifying the resulting outcomes. Additionally, Yingling asked the Commissioners to identify an overall nonprofit funding amount early during the budget process which would make it easier for the County Administrator’s office to make recommendations.

Those interested in applying for nonprofit funding can read the updated requirements at Specific items to note: (1) Applicants must take the Nonprofit Institute class through CSM; (2) SMCG will host a training class on the application process on 12/5/24 at 3PM (email for more); (3) deadline for applications is 1/10/2025.


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