Poll Shows Hogan Competitive

Originally Published: February 23, 2024

Former Governor Close to Democratic Challengers

A poll released on February 15th by Emerson College shows former Governor Larry Hogan has strong support among likely voters for the upcoming Senate race to fill Senator Ben Cardin’s seat due to his retirement. This race was thought a cinch for the Democratic Party, with the winner of the primary competition between Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and Congressman David Trone likely to be Maryland’s next Senator.

Conducted in cooperation between Emerson College Polling, The Hill, and DC News Now, the poll asked 1000 voters a number of questions about their voting preferences. Results showed Hogan with 44% of the vote to Alsobrooks’ 37% while Hogan and Trone tied at 42% of the vote in respective general election matchups. Overall, 16-19% were undecided which candidate they would support. Voter registration among respondents was 54% Democrat, 25% Republican, and 21% Independent/Other.

Meanwhile, nearly 46% of respondents thought Maryland was headed in the right direction. Interestingly, 45% of Democrats were somewhat or very likely to vote in the May 14th primary, while only 21% of Republicans answered similarly. The top four issues important to voters were identified as the economy, crime, housing affordability, and education.

Additionally, 54% of those polled said age “raises serious doubts” about voting for Joe Biden, while 66% answered the same in relation to Donald Trump.

Do you have a preferred candidate for the Senate race?

Poll results are here: https://emersoncollegepolling.com/maryland-2024-poll.../


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