Senator Bailey MDOT Announcement

Originally Published: April 2, 2024

This is excellent news, and great work by Senator Jack Bailey, Commissioner Mike Alderson Jr., and others involved in pushing for these improvements. The type in the below photo is small, so here is the full version:

“Thank you again for attending the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) briefing of the Draft Fiscal Year 2023-2028 Consolidated Transportation Program held on October 17, 2023. We appreciate your interest and support in providing safe, efficient roadways in our communities. During the meeting, we heard your request for the State Highway Administration (SHA) to conduct an evaluation of options for signalization and/or roundabout to improve traffic operations at MD 5 (Point Lookout Road) and MD 242 (Colton Point/Morganza Turner Road) intersection in St. Mary’s County. As the SHA District 5 Engineer, I am pleased to respond to this item.

Traffic signal warrant evaluation was conducted at the intersection to determine if signal control is justified. For traffic signal analysis, we use criteria set forth by the nationally accepted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as our guide. The manual indicates whether traffic signal control should be considered if certain conditions exist. The evaluation also took into account traffic volumes along all approaches, vehicular speeds, three-year accident history, sight distance, roadway geometrics, existing traffic control devices, and planned projects in the area. Additionally, observations were conducted during the evening peak hour, when traffic is the heaviest, to evaluate traffic operations.

The results of a traffic signal warrant evaluation for the intersection determined that traffic signal control is justified at this time. In addition to the traffic signal, actuated cantilever Hazard Identification Beacons (HIB) will also be considered on MD 5 approaches, before the intersection to alert motorists approaching the intersection to prepare to stop. We are happy to inform you that a traffic signal and actuated cantilever HIBs were approved by our Office of Traffic and Safety. While a schedule has not yet been established, please be advised that new signal projects typically take 18 to 24 months to complete.

Observations at the intersection identified opportunities for signing improvements. The signing improvements will involve replacing the existing stop signs with larger ones and adding “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” panels underneath the proposed stop signs. Additionally, signing updates will include replacing the existing speed limit signs, speed-reduced ahead signs, and intersection warning signs to MD 5 approaches before the intersection. A recent three-year crash history was reviewed and considered. The intersection sight distance for motorists on Morganza Turner Road looking north was found to be inadequate. We anticipate our maintenance crew will complete the signing updates within 60 days, weather permitting.

The results of a speed study conducted along MD5 near MD 242 intersection found the 85th percentile speed, the speed at which 85 percent of the motorists drive when unaffected by weather or other roadway conditions, to be 48 MPH and 45 MPH for northbound and southbound directions respectively, which is above the posted 30 MPH speed limit. We will contact the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office to share these findings and request they consider the area for future priority enforcement.”


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