Speaker Jones Unveils “Decency Agenda”
Originally Published: February 18, 2024
Four Bills are “about respect.”
Maryland House Speaker Adrienne Jones officially unveiled a group of bills called the “Decency Agenda” focused on reinforcing respect for Marylanders. “Unfortunately, over the past few years, that respect has been jeopardized by political disagreements that have literally pulled us apart,” Jones said in a video statement.
HB785, the Freedom to Read Act, codifies “library materials, services, and resources exist and should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all persons the library serves.” Further, it states a library may not exclude materials because of the “origin, background, or views of a person who created the material” or because of “partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” The bill also protects librarians and media specialists employed by a county board from being “retaliated against for acting in a manner consistent with the state standards for libraries.” Finally, the bill calls for development of policies in all libraries consistent with these standards, and makes state funding for libraries contingent on the library system adopting the policies. HB785 will be heard in the Economic Matters Committee on 2/21/24 at 1PM. Those submitting testimony must sign up by 2/19/24 at 6PM.
HB602 amends current law to include the prohibition of employment discrimination due to sexual orientation. Discrimination based on sex or gender identity is already covered in the current law, which outlaws providing less favorable employment opportunities to someone based on those descriptors. A hearing is scheduled on 2/21/24 at 1PM in the Economic Matters Committee. Those submitting testimony must sign up by 2/19/24 at 6PM.
HB691 will alter the definition of “legally protected health care” to include certain gender-affirming treatment. This codifies Governor Wes Moore’s Executive Order from June 2023 which “protects those seeking, receiving, or providing gender affirming care in Maryland from attempts at legal punishment by other states.” Essentially, if a state has outlawed gender-affirming healthcare which forces a family to travel to Maryland to seek care, our laws will protect those individuals and their care providers from being legally punished by another state. A hearing is scheduled on 2/21/24 at 1PM in the Health and Government Operations Committee. Those submitting testimony must sign up by 2/19/24 at 6PM.
Finally, HB1386 affects education law by requiring each county board of education and certain nonpublic schools to provide employees with training on the prevention of antisemitism and Isamophobia each year. A nonpublic school is defined as “a nonpublic school that participates in state-funded education programs.” The bill has additional requirements for higher education to include this type of information in cultural diversity training. It also calls for the State Department of Education “to contract with a consultant to conduct an independent study and assessment of Holocaust education in middle and high school instruction in the State.” A hearing is scheduled on 2/26/24 at 1PM in the Ways and Means Committee. Those submitting testimony must sign up by 2/23/24 at 6PM.
House Testimony How To: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/pubs.../current-jud-faqs.pdf
Senate Testimony How To: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/pubs.../current-jpr-faqs.pdf