Tidal Wave Auto Spa

Originally Published: August 13, 2024

Concept Plan Review

On August 26th, at 6:30PM, the Planning Commission (PC) will review the concept site plan for a proposed Tidal Wave Auto Spa at the corner of Route 4 and 235 north. Previously, the PC approved Magic Tunnel Car Wash, located on the corner of California Blvd, in August 2022. Tidal Wave would be the second car wash within half a mile if approved. The corner lot, totaling 4.4 acres, is split into three pad sites. The other two, approximately 1.3 acres each, could be developed separately or as one project. Potential uses include retail, fast food, banking, urgent care, or automotive store/service station.

Tidal Wave’s proposal is a 3615 SF car wash with 33 parking spaces, which includes individual vacuum/wash stations. Access from Routes 4 and 235 are right-in or out (RI/RO) only. The RI/RO on 235 is 400 feet north of the intersection while the entrance on Route 4 is 200’ before the traffic signal. A 30’ wide road right of way (ROW) at the rear of the property is shown. This supports the county’s long-term plan of turning Abell House Lane into a collector road similar to FDR Blvd.

Planning documents list various environmental, utility, and traffic concerns. A Washington Gas line may conflict with stormwater drain plans on the site, particularly along the RI/RO on 235. MetCom stated a need to extend the water line “along the property with a service line for the car wash as opposed to the service line crossing Three Notch Rd.” Non-tidal wetlands are present, and may require additional buffers or other mitigation per state and federal guidelines. The St. Mary’s County Health Department noted two wells and two septic systems on the former residential property which must be properly sealed and “abandoned” from use.

Eighty additional trips per day are added to the area. That could increase to nearly 140 if a convenience store with gas pumps were added, according to the traffic report. Because the intersection of Routes 235/4 is recognized as failing, the proposed mitigation is a fee of $12,369.50 contributed toward funding a traffic signal at Route 235/FDR Blvd. A similar agreement was made recently with approval of the new Honda/Kia Dealership, on the opposite corner, for $18,500 towards the traffic signal. Combined, these amounts are just 6% of the overall $500K cost.

Public comments can be submitted via email to brandy.glenn@stmaryscountymd.gov by 2PM on 8/23/24.

The public hearing is on 8/26/24, at 6:30PM, at 41770 Baldridge St. Leonardtown.


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