84 Condos & 60 Townhomes

Originally Published: May 24, 2023

Two locations in the county are for sale, and have already secured concept site plan approval for residential development according to their listings.

Nearly 16 acres off of Lawrence Hayden Road, just behind the St. Mary’s County Airport runway, show plans for 84 condo units across 4 buildings. A total of 35 one bedroom and 49 three bedroom units could be built, and may be known as “Wheatley’s Choice.” The development will include 153 parking spaces. The County’s long term development plans have a lot to do with expansion in use of the airport. With Lawrence Hayden Rd connected to the back of Wildewood now, more traffic can be expected in this area if these condo units are built.

View the listing: https://www.loopnet.com/.../Lawrence-Hayden-Rd.../16381354/

Further south, just past the intersection of Great Mills Road and Route 5, 6.62 acres known as “Bay Ridge Estates” is for sale. The listing advertises the already concept site plan approved development of 60 townhomes, with an estimated final approval timeline of 12 months. The acreage is on the right at the beginning of Bay Ridge Road. Documents show the concept site plan was approved in 2019 with a total of 120 parking spaces.

With the recent approval of the Stewart’s Grant PUD, which will eventually connect to the back end of Bay Ridge Rd, traffic through the existing Bay Ridge development will certainly increase over the next decade. Talks of a connection from the Stewart’s Grand PUD/Bay Ridge Rd over to Willows Road will further deteriorate the intersection of Great Mills Rd and Route/5 and increase the likelihood of an additional light at Bay Ridge Rd.

View the listing: https://www.loopnet.com/.../Bay-Ridge-Rd-Point.../23730494/


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