Ag Center Update

Originally Published: August 29, 2024

Buy-In From Other Counties Needed

Several key players briefed the county commissioners on the Regional Agricultural Center (RAC) as the project tries to find a way forward. Commissioners heard several options, all of which required additional financial resources. Costs related to the project have increased from $2.7M to as much as $8M, with nearly $2.6M in county funding contributed. The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) has invested $2.5M. In total, $6.2M is available for the project.

Water and sewer work by the Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPWT) at the proposed site behind the New Market transfer station has happened. The RAC, according to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the SMADC, Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland (TCCSMD), and the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, can be “no less than 8300 SF.” That stipulation could now be an additional road block.

DPWT Director Jim Gotsch, along with Economic Development Director Chris Kaselemis, told the Commissioners a funding gap between $1.93M-$2.39M exists, depending on the buildout option chosen. Two of the three choices are a phased approach constructing only portions of the full buildout potential. The problem is only the third option, a full buildout needing $2.39M in additional funding, meets the square footage requirement of the MOU.

Representatives of the SMADC and TCCSMD also pitched their “RAC 2.0” plan, which involves the old McKay’s location in Charlotte Hall. I previously reported on that here:

Commissioner Hewitt balked at the rising costs of the project, a sentiment shared by the entire board. Hewitt was not in favor of the RAC 2.0 idea because of the amount of rehab needed. Based on his experience in retail grocery, Commissioner Ostrow said equipment and maintenance costs are consistent and expensive. “It comes down to budget and risk for the county,” Commissioner Colvin said, and there is no room in the budget for additional project funding. Commissioners agreed the other Southern Maryland counties–Charles, Calvert, Prince George’s, and Anne Arundel–need to step up. On that topic, Commissioner Alderson said he spoke to representatives from Anne Arundel and Prince George’s Counties recently who said they may be willing to allocate funding for the project.


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