Callaway Development

Originally Published: June 12, 2023

With Dollar General already completed, and a 7/11 on the way, Callaway’s Village Center is quickly expanding. The Village Center, designated as an area of development in the County’s Comprehensive Plan, could also see future road expansion.

Lot 5 of the Callaway Village Shopping Center is now available for development. The online listing advertises a .76 acre lot with high visibility along Route 5. Design documents for the overall shopping center show a road expansion right of way bordering Lot 5 on the right (seen in picture outlined in blue). This future road extension would allow traffic to flow off Route 249 straight through the intersection.

My speculation and common sense see a clear path for the road to extend along the back of property owned by King’s Christian Academy, through several other properties, and eventually connecting to Indian Bridge Road. Note, this is ONLY speculation on my part.

View the listing here:

Just across the street, adjacent to the Callaway Weis shopping center, exists 3.72 acres known as “Lot 2.” This lot is currently under contract to be developed according to the listing. A portion of this property is under storm water management and is ineligible for development. Existing water and sewer that currently serves the Weis shopping center would also serve new development. The property has one active permit under plan review for a non-residential development.

View the listing here:

Callaway residents, what would you like to see built on these two lots?


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