Greenland Gardens & Buck Hewitt Commercial

Originally Published: June 8, 2023

Four acres sandwiched between Route 235 and Mervell Dean Rd, known as “Greenland Gardens,” is up for sale as an investment opportunity. Residential apartments are currently on site, but the sale listing highlights a recent zoning change from Rural Preservation District to Residential Mixed Use which has expanded what the property can be used for. The property is subdivided into three lots, 7, 8, and 9.

There are no plans to extend MetCom water or sewer service to this area, according to county records. The zoning change to RMX allows for apartments, offices, medical, bank, or hotel facilities on the site. Advertising 580’ of road frontage along 235, the change in property use could mirror neighboring properties that were once residential homes but are now business offices.

View the listing here:

Further south, 62 acres of commercial land is available behind Bay District Volunteer Rescue Squad on Buck Hewitt Rd. The property encompasses a currently wooded area that stretches behind the Clements Landing, Victoria’s Grant, and St. George’s Hundred neighborhoods. Zoned mixed use high intensity, the 62 acres is advertised as prime real estate in a quickly growing area. The fifteen page flyer includes several pages of demographic and income data about our area.

Mixed use high intensity zoning means this property can accommodate up to 1,867 dwelling units (apartments/condos/townhomes/single family homes) or up to 1,762,263 square feet of commercial space instead. Currently, there is existing water and sewer access available through MetCom to service what is built on this property.

View the listing here:


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