Candidate Forum This Week

Originally Published: April 8, 2024

Your Chance To Ask Questions

Did you see the eclipse?! There was a message—

On Thursday, April 11th, there’s a candidate forum from 5-8PM at the Lexington Park Library. Sponsored by the St. Mary's County Library, LWV of St. Mary's County, Maryland, the St. Mary's County NAACP, and the Center for the Study of Democracy, this forum will be the only chance for the public to meet and ask questions of the candidates, together, in a non-partisan environment. The candidate meet & greet begins at 5, with the forum at 5:30. Based on past experience, here’s a quick rundown of what to expect:

Candidates are grouped by election race: Circuit Court, Board of Education (BOE) At Large, BOE District 2, BOE District 4, and will appear in panel groups in that order. Candidates make opening and closing statements, and answer questions submitted from the audience.

Submit questions ahead of time via a Google form linked below. Audience members can write questions on index cards provided at the event. Questions submitted are screened for content by a panel who may combine similar inquiries.

You can attend in person or watch online at the link below. The event streams live on the Library’s Youtube page. Space in library meeting rooms A & B fills quickly, so your best bet is to arrive by 5 to claim a spot.

Moderators review the setup, rules, and other information at the start. As this is a non-partisan event, campaign/partisan gear (shirts, buttons, etc) is generally prohibited, no matter the candidate (local, state, federal).

Do you plan to attend? What questions do you have for the candidates?

SML Calendar Link:

Google Form Link:

SML Youtube Link:


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