Farmers Market Demo

Originally Published: April 10, 2024

I drove past the Farmers Market today after hearing demolition began this week. Driving around the site, as demo happened in the center, I thought how strange the area will be absent this landmark.

Anytime my family went outside of St. Mary’s County when I was young, the Farmers Market served as a reminder we were almost home. I remember walking around the market on a nice day, like today. If it was Wednesday or Saturday, you knew folks were at the Farmers Market.

Like other County landmarks, losing the Farmers Market brings up a lot of emotion. It speaks to the county’s way of life for hundreds of years—farming. This was where blood, sweat, and sunburn of families turned into a living.

There are other, newer, farmers markets across the county where you can find amazing, locally grown produce and lovingly crafted products. But for many of us, nothing will replace THE Farmers Market, on Saturdays, in Charlotte Hall.

What memories do you have of this landmark?


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