Compensation Review Commission
Originally Published: September 18, 2024
Salaries Recommended At Final Meeting
Salaries for elected officials in St. Mary’s County could increase based on the recommendations made by the Compensation Review Commission at their final meeting last week. Commission members, five appointed by the County Commissioners, and one each appointed by the Republican and Democratic Central Committees, must review compensation for the State’s Attorney, Sheriff, Treasurer, Orphans Court Judges, Board of Education, and County Commissioners every four years.
For nearly 90 minutes last Wednesday, commission members discussed and voted on several proposals. Jacinta Bottoms-Spencer, appointed by the RCC, was absent, which left six members whose votes resulted twice in a tie prompting further negotiating. The recommendations, based on suggestions from Chair John Parlett, began with no changes to the State’s Attorney, Sheriff, and Treasurer pay rates. These salaries were last changed when the 2020 commission proposed tying the rates to the pay for Circuit Court Judge, Maryland State Police Lt. Colonel, and Register of Wills, respectively.
The next vote, regarding county commissioner salary, had more debate. Member Tommy McKay took issue with increasing county commissioner pay by up to $4900 from 2027-2030, arguing that a later vote on adding what could be a “huge” COLA was “absolute insanity.” Fellow member Jeff Buckler agreed it could become too much, saying the commissioners already receive the top pay in the tri-county area. There was some confusion about whether the current pay structure included a 1.5% COLA, but county attorney Buffy Giddens said it did not. After a vote called for by Parlett ended with a tie, McKay suggested instead to keep the 2026 pay rates from 2027-30, but added a 1.5% COLA each year. Karl Pence, appointed by the DCC, voted against the motion, because was not in favor of the COLA idea.
Moving on to Orphans Court Judges, McKay began discussion by asking for clarification on the $150 additional pay per year of service. This is also received by Board of Education (BOE) members. McKay was not in favor of the additional pay on top of a COLA for these positions, but wasn’t prepared “to take them away from people.” Giddens said the amount was codified in law, and was originally approved for the BOE in 2005. Parlett pointed out that was when McKay was Commissioner President, so his commissioner board approved it. Discussion continued and a majority agreement seemed unlikely. Parlett reminded the board that these salaries make up “3/10ths of 1% of the overall county budget” and said they were “splitting hairs” at this point. He motioned to move forward with suggested 2027 salaries but removed the years-of-service (YOS) additional payment. Once again the vote tied, so the motion failed.
Ultimately, commission members decided to recommend a $14K/yr salary for the Chief Judge of the Orphans Court and BOE Chairperson, and $13K/yr salary for other Orphans Court Judges and BOE members, including a 1.5% COLA each year, but eliminating the $150 YOS payment. Parlett acknowledged it may result in “decrease of salary,” but called the compromise “an attempt to make this equitable going forward.” Now, these recommendations will be forwarded to the county commissioners who can decide to accept, amend, or reject them. If accepted, the suggestions will move to the St. Mary’s County Delegation, who propose legislation which must then be approved by the General Assembly to become law.