County Election Results

Originally Published: May 15, 2024

Unofficial Results Posted

Election results for the primary came in late last night. These results are unofficial, meaning there are more ballots to be counted and all results must be certified. Provisional ballots cast on election day will be counted on May 22nd, while the last batch of mail-ins will be tabulated on May 24th. The final verification of vote counts will also occur on May 24th, after which the election results will be official. Mail-in ballots still could affect close races. The following results are for St. Mary’s County, unless otherwise noted. I will list the top two vote getters for statewide races, and all results for local.

Democratic Primary Results:


Joe Biden - 80% of the vote (86.3% state)

Uncommitted - 14% of the vote (10.3% state)


Angela Alsobrooks - 46.7% (54% state)

David Trone - 44.18% (41.8% state)

Congressional Rep:

Steny Hoyer - 77.6% (70.6% state)

McKayla Wilkes - 9.6% (10% state)

Republican Primary Results


Donald Trump - 81.7% (80% state)

Nikki Haley - 18.2% (19.9% state)


Larry Hogan - 60% (61.8% state)

Robin Ficker - 26.9% (30% state)

Congressional Rep:

Michelle Talkington - 100% (100% state)

Local Races

Amy Lorenzini - 55% (D), 52.9% (R)

Sue Ann Armitage - 44.8% (D), 47% (R)

*Candidates appeared on both Democratic and Republican ballots. The candidate who wins both ballots wins the race, but if different candidates win each ballot it will go to November. Mail-ins could make a difference in this close race.

Board of Ed - At Large

Josh Guy - 46.7%

Brandie Edelen - 25.1%

Angela Wathen - 24.3%

Deforest Rathbone - 3.8%

Board of Ed - District 2

Cathy Allen - 55.4%

Elena Brewer - 22.6%

Anthony Lotierzo - 21.8%

Board of Ed - District 4

Mary Washington - 58.1%

David Drys - 24.1%

Charles Carrington - 17.7%

The two candidates receiving the most votes will move on to the general election.

View results here:


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