Leonardtown Election Results

Originally Published: May 7, 2024

The results of today’s election for Town Council and Mayor were read tonight at Town Hall, taking a little over an hour. Reading each vote one at a time, Ernie Bell and Katie Werner reported the votes to a group of town staff, including Town Administrator Laschelle McKay, who tabulated the results. Tommy McKay looked on as a witness to the reading of each ballot.

Bell said there were a total of 392 votes cast, 17 of which were on absentee ballots. Laschelle McKay read the results:

Dan Burris received 295, or 75% of the vote, and was reelected for another term. Challenger Ken Held received 96, or 25% of the vote.

Council members Nick Colvin and Jay Mattingly ran unopposed, and were reelected. Colvin received 317, or 81% of the vote while Mattingly received 342, or 87% of the vote.

Leonardtown had 4,900 residents in 2022 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. With only 392 total votes cast, only 8% of residents voted.

There are two days of early voting left. You can vote for Circuit Court Judge, Board of Education, President, Senator, and Congressional Representative. Turnout has, thus far, been abysmal. About 6400 votes have been cast, and St. Mary’s County has approximately 76,000 votes. That means only 8% of registered voters have cast a ballot.


County Election Results


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