East Run Development

Originally Published: October 11, 2023

A decade ago, The Enterprise reported on a new development called “East Run” coming to Great Mills Road. On a total of 79 acres where the Lord Calvert Mobile Home Park is located, owner Cherry Cove Property Management planned a large retail and residential development with apartments and single family homes. The article noted the project had not yet gone before the Planning Commission, and the owner/developer was waiting to see how the economy would level out before moving forward with the estimated $93M private investment.

Now, East Run is back in the mix as small portions of it have already been developed. The Medstar medical building and newly constructed 7-11 across from Great Mills High School are the initial phases of the overall project. Recent permits for the property show the construction of North Run Drive, which runs off Chancellors Run Road behind 7-11 and the Medstar building, and will eventually connect to the residential part of the development.

While the original concept site plan called for 500 apartments in two five story buildings, the updated site plan found in the online listing is different. The updated version shows 13 apartment buildings with between 30-40 apartments each. There is also a large area for about 130 single family homes.

The total development would stretch along Great Mills Road from Chancellors Run Road to Tower Lane, where a new traffic light would be installed once Tower Lane is aligned with Carefree Way to create the intersection. The road frontage along Great Mills Road, between East Run Boulevard and Tower Lane, could potentially become a 63K SF grocery store with the option for a future expansion of 16K SF. Pad sites are also advertised as available directly adjacent to East Run Boulevard.

Residents of Lord Calvert would need to relocate as this development progresses. Lord Calvert is one of, if not the largest mobile home park left in the County. Available spaces to move to in other parks are limited, and due to zoning changes mobile homes are only permitted in existing parks or in rural areas on a lot of 5 acres or more. There is no timeline for this development right now.


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