Government Relations Consultant

Originally Published: November 6, 2023

Commissioners May Hire Political Lobbyist

Tomorrow morning, the County Commissioners have a decision on their agenda–whether to hire a political lobbyist to represent St. Mary’s County in Annapolis. According to a letter from Bruce C. Bereano proposing his services, Bereano says he and Assistant County Attorney John Houser have met several times to discuss Bereano being hired.

The letter listed 15 services Bereano would provide including the “depth and breadth of relationships and network, and experience developed over 52 years in government and politics,” “arrange and attend meetings with key legislative and executive branch officials,” and “customary and usual professional lobbying and government relations activities and efforts on behalf of the St. Mary’s County Commissioners.” Bereano’s employment would be effective November 1st, his annual fee $15K plus reimbursement for reasonable expenses, and his primary focus would be lobbying during the 2024 legislative session.

A quick Google search reveals the reach of Bereano’s history in Maryland, and his many political connections. In the 90s, Bereano was convicted of asking “employees of his law firm to make political contributions to candidates in their own names, which he would reimburse them for…cash company checks and return the cash to him, which he would give to family members so they could make contributions in their names to his political action committee.” (WTOP) Maintaining his innocence, Bereano said no one was defrauded, and he continues to receive support from past clients and many in the Maryland political circles. As a result of the conviction, Bereano was disbarred in Maryland, DC, and Federal courts, but has recently filed to regain his law license in Maryland with support of his many contacts.

Bereano earned a reported $1.9M from lobbying in 2018, and has registered to represent an extensive list of clients. Those clients have included companies like Expedia, MedStar Health, Choice Hotels, and Washington Gas; governments like the Town of Ocean City, Caroline County Commissioners, Washington County Commissioners, and Queen Anne’s County. Other notables on the list are the Licensed Beverage Distributors of Maryland, Inc., BWI Taxi Management, Inc., Greater Baltimore Urban League, Maryland Association of Tobacco and Candy Distributors, and St. Clements Hundred.

St. Clements Hundred is a non-profit organization responsible for maintaining Blackistone Lighthouse and surrounding grounds on St. Clements Island. Assistant County Attorney John Houser is a volunteer with the organization.

Part of Bereano’s proposal states he will “work in harmony and coordination” with our Senator and three Delegates on behalf of St. Mary’s County. There is no mention in Bereano’s proposal, nor Mr. Houser’s informational memo, about whether the St. Mary’s County Delegation has been consulted on this decision. There is also no description of specific priorities or initiatives the Commissioners will ask Bereano to champion, or any opportunity for consideration of public input.

Should the County Commissioners hire a lobbyist to represent them, and St. Mary’s County, in Annapolis? Does the public deserve input on this decision?


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