Transportation Updates

Originally Published: November 6, 2023

MD Secretary of Transportation Meets w/Commissioners

On Tuesday, October 17th, the County Commissioners met with Maryland Secretary of Transportation, Paul Wiedefeld, along with representatives from the State Highway Administration, to review updates and progress on transportation infrastructure. Also in attendance were Delegate Matt Morgan and Leonardtown Mayor Dan Burris. The discussion was wide ranging and included an overview of current state projects in St. Mary’s County as well as priorities identified by the Commissioners, like replacing the Solomon’s Bridge.

Among the highlighted capital transportation projects were:

Leonardtown Route 5 Expansion, with a total budget of 14.275M, of which 7.975M comes from Federal aid funding. Goals were to reduce congestion, encourage economic opportunity, and improve quality and efficiency. The project was justified by the needs of reducing congestion and providing capacity for planned development.

Point Lookout Route 5 Expansion, with a total budget of 25.259M, of which 19.092M comes from Federal aid funding. The goals were to provide shoulders and improve safety for visitors and recreational vehicles.

Great Mills Route 5 Improvement, with an estimated total cost of 28.872M, of which 11.069M is Federal aid funding. Improvements will address mobility, accessibility, and state repair needs while providing capacity for planned development. Funding is distributed through 2028, meaning this project will not be complete for at least 5 years. I previously posted about potential construction of a small retail center at the intersection of Route 5 and Flat Iron Rd. The Commissioners approved the sale of property around the Great Mills Canoe/Kayak Launch to SHA for $79,800 at their 10/31 meeting.

Route 5 Hilton Run Bridge replacement, with an estimated total cost of 5.283M, of which 4.077 is from Federal aid funding. The existing structure, built in 1936, is nearing the end of its useful life and is poorly rated. Funds are allocated for use in FY24 and 25.

Route 4/Solomons Bridge study to upgrade the road, including bridge replacement. The project will include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations as appropriate, according to the documents. The estimated cost of the studies is 7.860M, with 5.860M already spent through FY22, and 1M allocated for use in FY23 and 24 each to continue the study.

Commissioner Ostrow pressed the need for replacing the Solomon’s Bridge, but there were no definitive answers given as to when that may happen. When asked, SHA said they had not been in contact with United Bridge Partners, the private company proposing to replace the bridge and charge a toll to recoup their investment.

Mayor Burris questioned when Phase 2 of the Route 5 expansion project, the “book ends” of the just finished piece, may begin. SHA reported design activities are at 65% right now, but there is no funding set aside for Phase 2 at the moment. Burris pointed out Leonardtown is the fastest growing municipality in the state, and he had recently met with people who were interested in developing the Tudor Hall property. The town is pushing for a traffic light at the entrance of the Clarke’s Rest neighborhood.

Delegate Morgan asked SHA about design money in place for sidewalks along Route 245 in Leonardtown, and was told the project may proceed by the end of 2024. SHA plans to install a traffic signal at the entrance of Leonard’s Grant, and extend the sidewalks down to Meadows at Town Run.

You can view documents reviewed during the conversation here:


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