Speed Cameras Proposed
Originally Published: November 7, 2023
Commissioners To Hear Feedback At Public Forum
The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office is proposing a speed camera ordinance to fine drivers for not slowing down in school zones. The proposed ordinance, drafted by the County Attorney in cooperation with the Sheriff’s Office, creates the St. Mary’s County School Zone Speed Camera Safety Program. According to a memo prepared by Sheriff Steve Hall, cameras will alleviate safety issues associated with an officer pulling over drivers in school zones, stating that only a fraction of speeders are caught. Attached to the memo are results from the SMCSO’s 2023 Community Survey, which show 74% (917 of a total 1,233) of respondents saying traffic issues like speeding negatively impact their quality of life.
Cameras would be operated by a vendor hired by the Sheriff’s Office, and require annual calibration by someone other than the vendor. Public notification of camera placement must occur 15 days in advance via a newspaper ad and the county government website. Citations during the first month will be warnings only, and afterward each will have a $40 fine. All citations are reviewed by an employee of the Sheriff’s Office prior to issuance. It would be the vendor’s responsibility, in cooperation with the Sheriff’s Office, to help make the public aware of when the cameras move locations. The cameras would operate only from 6AM-8PM, Monday through Friday, and a driver must go at least 12 MPH over the posted speed limit to trigger the camera. All K-12 public, private, or parochial school zones are included in the program.
The draft ordinance directs revenues generated to recover costs associated with leftovers used for public safety purposes in the annual budget. What those purposes include is not defined. The program administrator will be the Commander of the Special Operations Division, and the Speed Monitoring System Operator will report to them. The Sheriff is required to file a report each year with the Commissioners covering the total number of citations, revenue and expenditures generated, a description of how revenue was used, and more.
The public forum will be held at 6:30PM on November 14th, at 41770 Baldridge St, Leonardtown. You can also email comments to csmc@stmaryscountymd.gov.
What are your thoughts on the speed camera idea? Will you attend the public forum?