New Hotel Planned

Originally Published: July 19, 2023

Property located at 23270 Three Notch Road in California is being prepared for Avid Hotel. The multi-phase project secured Phase 1 approval from the Planning Commission in March 2021. The location is just south of the Oakcrest development. Recent road work in the area is due to this development.

Road improvements to the left turn lane on 235 northbound at the Wildewood/Oakcrest intersection have been completed. The extension of the third lane along NB 235 and the addition of a bike lane and sidewalk in front of the property continues. The 235 crossover between By the Mill Road and FDR Blvd will have a median installed to allow only left turns. All improvements are designed to offset the effect of increased traffic in the area.

Phase 1 is a four story hotel building with 95 rooms and 130 parking spaces. Phase 2, which will need approval before proceeding, will include a three story hotel building and an 11,000 square foot retail building. The second hotel will have 70 hotel rooms with 100 parking spaces. The retail building will have ten apartments on the second floor, multiple retail spaces on the first level, and 26 parking spaces.

Surrounding the property are multiple residential home lots. Residents expressed concern that multi-story buildings would permit hotel guests to look down into neighboring yards, invading privacy. Light pollution was also a concern. The development site, comprising two parcels of land, is owned by Three Notch Hospitality LLC.


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